Balett +

Balett+ is a performance series based on the idea of Dóra Barta, choreographer from Kecskemét City Balett. Her idea was to gather her dancers into a production with other artists from different artfields. By doing this, she eliminated the borders differentiating them.
They have rehearsed four performances rehearsed, every performance has its own topic includes several art gorups, such as protography, folk music, world music and poetry. Their different way of thinking has inspired the dancers in the process of creating an extraordinary and completely experimental production during the four nights. The first performance was set in November, the second was in January, and the next two performances are going to be played in the 2016/2017 season, taking place in József Katona Theatre, Kecskemét, Hungary. 

Client: József Katona Theatre & Kecskemét City Balett
Year: 2015/16
What is dance? Dance is freedom, dance is play, dance is gracefulness, and finally dance is to be focused.
It is the same with painting. In order to get the desired result, your hands have to be conscious and loose at the same time. If you are using ink and water, you create full and empty spaces. You can control ink but cannot control water. It can be absolutely random or you can even fail in your work.  I wanted the graphic to reflect the same or similar process of blending borders. I thought it is important to go through somehow the same process what they experience during dancing. 
The original aquarels
Used font: Simplifica by Kaiwa.
Thank you for watching!
Balett +


Balett +

Poster serie to the event of Balett+. The contemporary dance company's aim to gather different artfields into one performance.
